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Empowering Performance: Goal Setting & Feedback Strategies for Success

Helping your employees set goals and providing constructive feedback provide a foundation for success. These activities empower your team to improve their performance and increase the value they provide to your organization.

Having strategies to help your employees create their goals and provide constructive feedback supports your team in achieving company goals. These approaches can help.

Implement these strategies for successful employee goal setting and feedback to empower your team’s performance.

Link Employee Goals to Company Goals

Aligning each employee’s goals with the company’s goals elevates your team’s performance. Having your employees’ activities align with the direction the company plans to go in helps your organization advance.

Clarify the Importance of the Goals

Share how each goal ties into an employee’s role and benefits the organization. Explaining how your employees can impact business growth helps create buy-in. Your team is likely to work toward their goals when they understand the advantages of the outcomes.

Create SMART Goals

Develop specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, timebound (SMART) goals:

  • Clarify exactly what an employee should achieve, how it aligns with their role, and the steps needed to reach it.
  • Include deadlines to attain each goal and how success will be measured.
  • This framework increases the likelihood of your employees attaining their goals.

Review the Goals

Regularly meet with each employee to review their goals:

  • Talk about the progress your employee made and the milestones reached.
  • Address any questions, problems, or concerns.
  • Modify the goals as needed.
  • Provide resources, motivation, and support to continue moving forward.

Provide Feedback

Give each employee constructive feedback to improve their progress toward reaching their goals. Include specific examples of what each employee is doing well, what they could do better, and ideas for improvement.

Reward Goal Achievements

Tie specific rewards to specific steps of the goal achievement process. Examples include a handwritten thank-you note, the ability to start work later in the day, or a paid day off. These rewards provide motivation for your team to continue to work toward their goals.

Do You Need to Add Members to Your Team?

Work with Staff Right Solutions to hire qualified members to help your team reach company goals. Find out more today.

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